
We hope that this will be a growing and inclusive list of links to other web sites with useful information about Robotics.

General Robotics
DPRG - Dallas Personal Robotics Group
DPRG is one of the nations oldest special interest groups dedicated to the development and use of personal robots.
DroneBot Workshops
This site has a large set of How To videos and articles.
NZPRG - New Zealand Personal Robotics Group
A blog concerning robots and interesting reviews/experiments with robot components.
SRS - Seattle Robotics Society
A group of robot enthusiats which meet in the Seattle Washington area. They share their knowledge and hold contests to inspire members to create interesting robot platforms.
Resources for kids and adults who want to build and program their own robots. by Katie Horne
Robot Supplies Vendors
Pololu Robotics
Offers a large range of robotics supplies. Very well known for the quality of their motors.

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